Explicit Auctions

Our core service is the provision of explicit NTC-based auctions for the allocation of physical transmission rights between the countries of South East Europe, on behalf of our participating TSOs. Allocation is performed on both long-term and short-term timeframes, i.e. on yearly, monthly and day-ahead level.

Shadow Auctions

SEE CAO offers performing shadow auctions as a fallback procedure for market-coupled borders for which the capacity is by default implicitly allocated. In cases of the day-ahead market coupling failure, we conduct explicit shadow day-ahead auctions.

Secondary Market

We support functioning of transmission capacity secondary market by allowing our participants to resell yearly capacities to subsequent monthly auctions and to transfer their long-term capacities to other market participants. Additionally, we perform compensation evaluations for not-nominated long-term capacities by applying Use-It-Or-Sell-It (UIOSI) principle on all our borders.

ETP Reporting

SEE CAO is one of the first data providers who started reporting explicit auctions-related data to ENTSO-E Transparency Platform as of 5 January 2015 on behalf of its TSOs, in line with Regulation (EU) No 543/2013 on submission and publication of data in electricity markets (EMFIP). We are proud to contribute to the enhancement of the market transparency in the SEE region.

REMIT Reporting

SEE CAO regularly reports data to ACER REMIT Information System (ARIS) in line with Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011 on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency. We report the transactions arising from primary allocation on behalf of our TSOs, as well as the results of secondary allocation (return and transfer) on behalf of market participants that signed Service Agreement on Secondary Allocation Reporting with us.

Congestion Income Distribution